Term 3 Newsletter launched - 25 June, 2024
2024 T3 highlights for web

Welcome to Term 3, including our regular favourites such as Mah-Jong, Pony Canasta, Friday Games, Westcoast Gardeners, Book Club, and Prose & Poetry Readings. There are also the popular weekly walking groups and fitness sessions of Chair Pilates, which have continued to draw new participants. I believe these are the quintessential examples of what Westcoast Community Centre achieves for its members each and every term.

Fine dining lunch and dinner events include The Royal Hotel - Willi's Wine Bar Luncheon, the ever-popular Sal’s Pasta Deli for lunch, as well as a dinner at Dusit Thai Restaurant. There is an array of interesting speakers to choose from, including former Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia, The Hon Robert French AC, who is bound to be very interesting, and Alex Jenkins, who returns to tell us all about Chat GPT.

Theatre experiences on offer include Guys & Dolls and The Poems, Prayers & Promises of John Denver - not to be missed! Our outings will take us on a 4-day bus trip down South and, more locally, to the fascinating Wildlife Hospital in Bibra Lakes. We are also taking early bookings for our Term 4 Cherry Orchard Long Table Lunch - book early for that as spaces are limited!

Our “Getting to Know You Morning Tea" is a great opportunity to meet new and old members and chat over a cuppa with delicious home baked treats. We look forward to seeing you there.

The programme committee is a hard-working group and I'm continuously amazed with the interesting events and activities they devise for members to participate in. I would like to especially thank Jeni Owens, Connie Chapman and Anne McCrudden for their long-term and ongoing commitment, as well as Melissa Frey, our Programme Coordinator. This truly magnificent group of people all give so much to make WCC a success.

Did you know that WCC is not funded by any Local, State or Federal bodies? We operate purely as a volunteer-run, fee for service, not-for-profit organisation, relying on members' support to remain financially viable. Income generated by your attendance at events covers the operational costs including, but not limited to, two contractors who provide administration, programming and media services, as well as significant insurance and advertising costs. So, thank you for your ongoing support, which ensures Westcoast Community Centre is able to continue providing essential services in the community.

Enrolment day is Tuesday 16 July, 9.30 am – 11 am for in-person enrolments in the Community Room at The Grove Library Precinct, followed by postal enrolments and online bookings from 1pm.

Please take a look at the attached programme of events and consider inviting a friend to accompany you. We are very interested in increasing our membership and the best way would be to let your friends experience the benefits of the Westcoast Community Centre themselves.

Janice Rooney

Chairman, Westcoast Community Centre.

30th Birthday Celebrations

WCC turned 30 in 2023 and, on 17 November, 100 guests were treated to an elegant afternoon tea at The Grove Library Precint to celebrate this important milestone. And what a fabulous celebration it was!

The weather was perfect and we were delighted to welcome the PLC’s Senior Piano Trio and the Year 9 String Quartet, who provided wonderful arrangements of music to set the scene as guests arrived and during the afternoon. Invited guests, Honorary and current members enjoyed a sumptuous High Tea, all organised by our volunteers. The beautiful china, silver teapots, elegant table settings and beautiful flowers were a sight to see, as was the delicious array of food and wine that was served. What a wonderful celebration of community and volunteering!

A huge thank you to all our volunteers for making the afternoon such a success. We're already looking forward to our next celebration!  



 WCC's Covid-19 Policy - as at January 2023
Westcoast Community Centre is deeply committed to keeping our members, staff, volunteers and visitors as safe as possible and to reducing the risk of COVID-19 transmission. We recognise that COVID-19 vaccination is an essential element of our overall COVID-19 response planning in the current environment.  Please read our 2022 COVID-19 Policy before you enrol!