Term 3, 2024

Coming soon. Watch this space!

Term 2, 2024

2024 T2 highlights for website

Term 1, 2024

2024 T1 highlights for website


Term 4, 2023

2023 T4 highlights for website


Term 3, 2023

2024 T3 highlights for website

Term 2, 2023

2023 T2 highlights for website 

Term 1, 2023

2023 T1 highlights for website


Term 4, 2022

2022 T4 Highlights WCC


Term 3, 2022

2022 T3 highlights


Term 2, 2022

2022 T2 highlights


Term 1, 2022

2022 T1 highlights

Term 4, 2021

2021 T4 highlights

Term 3, 2021

2021 T3 highlights

Term 2, 2021

2021 T2 eventhighlights


May, 2021 - WCC Receives Community Award

As part of National Volunteer Week, the Town of Cottesloe presented Westcoast Community Centre Inc. with a Certificate of Recognition for our significant contributions to the Cottesloe Community over the last 12 months. Congratulations to all involved for thier part in WCC's ongoing success as a community organisation.

2021 Cottesloe WCC CertofRecognition 2

Term 1, 2021

2021 T1 highlights



2021 WCC Management Ccommittee. Back row (left to right): Dianne Martin, Julie Cutler (Secretary), Anita Norris, Judy Daly (Treasurer), Jeanette McQueen, George Sulcs. Front row (left to right): Sally Hincks, Anne McCrudden (Chair), Janice Rooney (Vice-Chair). Absent: Carole Crommelin (Hon Member and Patron).

2020 - lots of fun, despite Covid-19!

2020 highlights

Term 4, 2019

20190913 walkinggroup wirelesshill


Term 3, 2019

20190913 walkinggroup wirelesshill


Term 2, 2019

2019 05 16 BiggestMorningTea

Term 1, 2019

2019 02 22WCCGardeners1 withJohnViska AU dnHistorySoc


Term 4, 2018

20181205 buddhisttemplevisit

Term 3, 2018

Wildflower tour P1130426

Term 2, 2018

Eday display 20180501 1

Term 1, 2018

2018 03 12 Point Walter Stroll and Picnic 113853


Term 4, 2017

2017 Term 4 LIttle Ferry breakfast cruise at Claisebrook


Term 3, 2017

 2017 Term 3 araleun

Term 2, 2017

T2 highlights for T3 newsletter


Term 1, 2017

2017 T1 highlights collage 1


Term 4, 2016

T4 2016 highlights for newsletter backpage

Term 4, 2016, included a number of enjoyable outings, walks, knitting for charity, restaurant visits and much more - concluding, as always, with a most successful Christmas Party.


Term 3, 2016

T3 2016 highlights

In Term 3, 2016, members enjoyed a trip down south to Mary's Cottages -  and even did some yabbying. We also visited art studios and other places of interest, attended talks on a diverse range of subject, welcomed members old and new, and tried out pilates.


Term 2, 2016


T2 2016 highlights

In Term 2 we enjoyed a range of different activites, including a walk from North Fremantle to Chidley Point, stopping at Green Place Reserve. We also visited Kalmunda History Village (amongst other places), found out all about some of the weirder criminal laws still in place in WA, courtesy of Tomas Fitgerald, and went cycling along the river.


Term 1, 2016

T1 2016 highlights


Term 1 included our acknowlegement of two retiring members of the Management Committee and of the Lifetime Honorary Membership Award to Ms Glenda Jackson. Members also took part in number of great talks and various other very interesting outings and activities.

Westcoast Community Centre was the proud winner of the 2016 Community Group of the Year Award, presented at the Town of Cottesloe Australia Day.This award acknowledges WCC's special place in the community and the hard work and dedication that has contributed to making it an ongoing success. Congratulation to all Committee Members (past and present) and to all other WCC Volunteers.

WCC Australia Day Award 2016


Term 4, 2015

In Term 4, 2015, members attended an eclectic range of talks, participated in the regular walking group, went on a number of interesting outings (including Boddington Gold Mine), enjoyed a Christmas lights cruise in Mandurah and got together to celebrate the end of yet another successful year at WCC.

term 4 2015 highlights


Term 3, 2015

Amongst other things, Term 3 saw WCC Members enjoying Jazz in Fremantly, visiting the SAS Barracks in Swanbourse and enjoying a numbe rof interesting talks by a number of presenters.

term 3 2015

Term 2, 2015

In Term 2, Members and friends enjoyed various events, such as a bus outing to Fairbridge, an invigorating morning of golf crouquet, interesting talks by a number of presenters and some most enjoyable cooking demonstrations.

 term2 2015

Term 1, 2015

The events we enjoyed in Term 1 included a delightful twilight walk along the river, played shuffleboard, got creative with watercolours and traditional paper folding, visited Moore River and held a very successful Sundowner and Annual General Meeting.

term 1 2015


Term 4, 2014

Our fabulous volunteers were kept very busy in Term 4, starting with the newsletter mail out and culminating with our Christmas party. WCC is very fortunate to have such a willing band of helpers. We also went on visits to artist's studios and other places of local interest, enjoyed interesting and enagaing guest speakers, made delcious mini Christmas puddings and took part in the Mosman Park Men's Shed fair.

term 4 2014

Term 3, 2014

Term 3 included knitting for local charities, a three-day wildflower tour, a studio visit and demonstration by Robyn Lowry, interesting and inspiring talks, a tour of the National Hotel & Roundshouse and some hands-on experimenting at the Harry Perkins Institute.

term 3 2014

Term 2, 2014

 Term 2 highlights included a cooking demonstration by Sarah Aubault (Marie Antoinette, Cottesloe), a trip to Gnomesville with the WCC gnomes, three days of strategic planning for WCC, Antionio Battistessa's workshop (Wizard of Fire), intrepid WCC Paddlers take to Freshwater Bay, Bioworks Australia, a talk on the Uthando Project.

term 2 2014

Term 1, 2014

Highlights of our Term 1 programme included a visual diary workshop with Paula Wiegmink, bus trip to the Gravity Centre in Gingin, cooking demonstarion by Lee Martin (By Word of Mouth), paddling at Kent Street Weir, sharing memories of World War II, the AGM & Sundowner, a visit to MacNuts, walking in Garvey Park and a number of fascinating talks.

term 1 2014